


加拿大蒙特婁的知名英文公報《The Gazette》是當地主流平面媒體,在當地時間2月26日登出了一篇批判台灣文化的文章《Culture shock》,內容卻僅是引述一名來台灣教英文的加拿大女子Lindsey Craig的個人印象。她在文中指出許多對於台灣的負面觀感。而台灣網友則是砲轟《The Gazette》,竟然把一名「加拿大公主」的個人偏見刊登三頁版面,簡直是在誹謗台灣。

台灣網友cclio今(3)日在批踢踢實業坊(發表文章指出,《Culture shock》報導一位來台灣教英文的加拿大人心路歷程,但內容上對於台灣的整體描述可能有失瞭解與公允。他也質疑一份報紙竟以三頁全版的篇幅刊登「個人意 見」,也希望發起運動,讓居住在加拿大的台灣人可以正視此事

加拿大女子Lindsey Craig在文中列舉了她對台灣的負面觀感,包括空氣污染嚴重、宿舍有蟑螂、街道英文名字混亂以及父母會打小孩等等。她在文中也指出,常常看到有人在街上 燒紙錢,而街上也會有人吐檳榔汁,像是一灘血。她在文末有自我檢討,表示自己對台灣沒有準備好,也沒有充分研究那裡的文化。而台灣網友twowugs痛 批,「她對台灣各種充滿輕蔑的偏見處處可見,她這篇文章給人的印象就是台灣是個破爛臭水溝!」

《The Gazette》放上蟑螂與檳榔汁的圖片,讓許多網友痛批,根本是放大偏見來誹謗台灣。(圖/翻攝網路)

網友cclio表示,「《The Gazette》竟然願意刊登這樣一篇充斥著無知和偏見的文章,讓人感到驚訝。」cclio希望大家不要坐視台灣在一份被廣泛閱讀的報紙上受到如此毀謗, 也請居住在蒙特婁甚至於在加拿大各地的台灣夥伴、一起發聲化解誤會,讓世界知道台灣是個充滿人情味、活力與生機的美麗國家。



Dear Editors,

I finished reading Lindsey Craig's personal reflection. I won't call it an "article", you, as an editor, I believe you have the ability to tell reflections and comments.

While reading, I felt being insulted. After reading, I felt mad.

I used to believe that Canadians "were" polite and decent because their people come from different countries and areas. Canadian English teachers are patient and willing to understand various different cultures. Why do I say that? Because I had taught as an Chinese English teacher in English cram school. And some of teachers from your country told me so. When they had any questions or problem, they just asked. Not like Craig.

Through our media, I am shocked by Craig's personal reflection. No offensive, as a jounalist, she should work on her writing because missing a period or comma is not professional. OH! my fault. It's not an article, but a reflection.

Within the reflection, I can say you hire a girl who didn't study  hard before she came to my country. Now, she writes the refelction without considering her usages of words and terms. If you, Montrealgazette, a main-stream newspaper, can let Craig's personal reflection on your paper, I know what kind of newspaper it is now? And you think it is a good reflection? And you are sure Canadians will think it's a valuable experience and they can learn more about Taiwan?

I think(personal feeling) she is still inmature. Being a jounalist needs to be professional and objective. If you want to say something subjective, you need to find lots of information, other people's personal exprience, or do the questionnaire. Did she? NO, she didn't. Everything is her personal experience. Craig also finished her master. I believe Editors in Montrealgazette all are good at writing essays. Personal experience and reflections needs data to support because the data makes "PERSONAL FEELING AND EXPERIENCE" reliable.  I don't understand how you can let Craig's relfection on the newpaper. 

Getting the Montrealgazette into trouble is not what you want because you're professional. But, you hire her. Or you are "using" her to increase your selling?  I believe you are not the kind of newspaper.

All in all, apology is needed. There are three reasons. First, you're professional. Second, she did write a reflection with lots of discrimination and bias. Third, she doesn't deserve your protection because she deserves it.

In the end, without apology, I will never visit your country anymore. I know you don't care. So, I won't let my family to be taught by Canadian teachers. Believe me, I will check their nationality. Well, you can call it a "country" discrimination. But, there are lots of better teachers from England and America, who know better Taiwan before they come here.

an being insulted and mad Taiwanese.

Xiaofen Yu
Taichung, Taiwan.


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